Thursday, February 12, 2009

Octuplet Mother posts website requesting donations/comments

No way! She didn't! Would the whacked-out new mother of intentional octuplets, when she already has 6 children, who says she's not on government assistance (but accepts $490/month of food stamps) really create (or have her publicist create) a website requesting donations??? And comments of well-wishes????

Yes, she would. And she did. Right here:

As I read the story, my jaw dropped in disbelief. Talk about nerve!

Here is my earlier post:

How dare she put us, human beings who care about the best interests of innocent children, in such a position.
No one wins here. No one.
This was a self-centered selfish act of a mentally disturbed woman.
If we donate, we are condoning her behavior.
If we don't, we are punishing her innocent children.
Child Protective Services should remove these children from her care and she should be put in jail for child abuse, fraud, and any other possible prosecution.
She is a disgrace to women. She is a disgrace to parents.
She is a disgrace.

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