Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Airborne to refund $23.5 million

I heard this on the news last night. It turns out I'm a bit slow and didn't know about this story last year when it first hit.
According to the court filing, "Airborne Products made untrue and misleading statements about the Airborne Products by claiming, among other things, that the Airborne Products cure or prevent colds."
As an avid believer and user of vitamins, minerals and herbs and personal experience of validity, I think that the Class Action Lawsuit and resulting refund payments are one of the Stupid Things I Heard Today.
Airborne Products are supplemental products. No one is forced to purchase them. Millions of their customers appreciate their products and fully support taking Vitamin C and other herbs as a means to prevent or minimize colds. How many people buy Echinacea and Goldenseal? Millions! Why? Because they believe it is a healthier alternative to taking antibiotics. There is a time and place for antibiotics and health care professionals are notorious for over subscribing these drugs.
There is a portion of our society that poo poos alternative remedies and pathetically bows down to the pharmaceutical companies. This concession is slowly ruining the health of what were once healthy human beings. What a shame. And how stupid!
I have a vial of Airborne in my closet for when I need it and I certainly would never have requested a refund even though anyone could have requested it with no proof of previous purchase.
Oh yeah, that is another of the Stupid Things I Heard Today. Anyone requesting a refund did not need to supply any sort of proof of purchase. You just had to say you bought some of their products and voilĂ , you get a check come April 2009.
Shame on all the dishonest people who signed up for their free refund checks. I would bet most were not harmed by Airborne Products.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Home Depot

This is a true story regarding my interaction with an employee at the ProDesk with whom I have placed several orders.

I ordered 10 bags of grout in Oyster Grey.
An hour before I had planned to pick them up, I get a call from the Home Depot employee.
He says, "Your concern about the actual quantity in stock was valid, we only have 7 bags of Oyster Grey even though the computer shows 14."
I say, "O.K. when is the next shipment expected to arrive?"
He looks at his computer and can't really tell but thinks it will be two weeks.
I tell him, "We are supposed to be completed with the project before then. Can we verify with the expediter (people in charge of orders) or see if we can locate the missing inventory?"
He says a bunch of stuff, then he offers, "Would you like to substitute a similar color for the remaining 3 bags and then just mix them together?"

My jaw dropped.
"No." I say firmly.
He says, "Oh."
I tell him, "That is like having your client pick out yellow for their paint color and then mixing a little orange into it because you didn't have enough paint. That is completely unacceptable and I would never do that with a client."

When we arrived at the store, we found another bag of Oyster Grey so now we are only 2 bags short, which are on order. Hopefully we will not need the extra bags and can complete the project on time.

I never could figure out if he realized how stupid his suggestion was or if he truly didn't understand why you can't just mix in another color. Go figure.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cheney on CNN

Mister barely 13% approval rating when he left office 6 weeks ago is spewing unfounded fear-mongering slander about the Obama administration and how at-risk our country is regarding possible terrorism.
What an A-hole.
There is NO proof of his claims and he was partly responsible for the lack of focus on real terroristic threats prior to September 11, 2001 and if he had done his job, along with the rest of the Bush Administration, possibly could have help avert the three hijacked planes.
That guy has been nothing but Mr. Doom and Gloom, Mr. Secret Energy Policies Behind Closed Doors, Mr. I Am Not Part Of The Executive Branch, Mr. I Threw Valerie Plame Under The Bus AND Lied About Doing It And Protected Scooter Libby And Karl Rove As Much As I Could, Mr. I Had A Man-Sized Safe In My Office For All My Secrets, the list goes on....and NOW he has the gall to spew crap like this publicly?!
Fortunately only 13% of the population will buy into this crap, but what is unfortunate is when you realize one of those less-than-fully-informed individuals is your friend or colleague.

Friday, March 13, 2009


The landlord was showing the cottage last summer with the then current tenant standing in the room.

The perspective new tenant was inquiring about the Cupola styled roof and how they like that roofing/air management system. The landlord commented that he liked the system, but because it gets so warm in the summer months, he wished he had better insulated the roof because it radiates down into the room.

The soon to be moved out tenant exclaimed, "Oh my god! There's radiation in here, while I've been living here!"

True story.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

$5.09 minus $2.00 equals $2.92

At the grocery store earlier today. I had a rain check for $2.00/item. The clerk needed to enter a manual 'coupon' discount to net $2.00 each.
She scans the original price. It's $5.09.
She mumbles to herself about, "$5.09 minus $2.00 equals $2.92, $2.93, no $2.92. "
She isn't certain so she pulls out her calculator and enters: 5.09 - 2.00 = TA DA!
$3.09 discount.
A nice clerk, but dumb as a rock. She wasn't nervous. There was no pressure. She just couldn't figure out in her head what $5.09 minus $2.00 equals. How she came to 92 or 93 cents is beyond me. I don't really want to know.