Sunday, March 1, 2009

$5.09 minus $2.00 equals $2.92

At the grocery store earlier today. I had a rain check for $2.00/item. The clerk needed to enter a manual 'coupon' discount to net $2.00 each.
She scans the original price. It's $5.09.
She mumbles to herself about, "$5.09 minus $2.00 equals $2.92, $2.93, no $2.92. "
She isn't certain so she pulls out her calculator and enters: 5.09 - 2.00 = TA DA!
$3.09 discount.
A nice clerk, but dumb as a rock. She wasn't nervous. There was no pressure. She just couldn't figure out in her head what $5.09 minus $2.00 equals. How she came to 92 or 93 cents is beyond me. I don't really want to know.

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