Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cheney on CNN

Mister barely 13% approval rating when he left office 6 weeks ago is spewing unfounded fear-mongering slander about the Obama administration and how at-risk our country is regarding possible terrorism.
What an A-hole.
There is NO proof of his claims and he was partly responsible for the lack of focus on real terroristic threats prior to September 11, 2001 and if he had done his job, along with the rest of the Bush Administration, possibly could have help avert the three hijacked planes.
That guy has been nothing but Mr. Doom and Gloom, Mr. Secret Energy Policies Behind Closed Doors, Mr. I Am Not Part Of The Executive Branch, Mr. I Threw Valerie Plame Under The Bus AND Lied About Doing It And Protected Scooter Libby And Karl Rove As Much As I Could, Mr. I Had A Man-Sized Safe In My Office For All My Secrets, the list goes on....and NOW he has the gall to spew crap like this publicly?!
Fortunately only 13% of the population will buy into this crap, but what is unfortunate is when you realize one of those less-than-fully-informed individuals is your friend or colleague.

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